Returning January 2026

The challenge
Your mission is to collect 8 Souper Stickers over the course of a mere 4 days. Head to any participating restaurant, pick up a soup passport, then earn a sticker at each restaurant where you order a soup. Take-out and dine-in both count! At the end of your quest, turn in your passport at Mischief Distillery to earn Super Souper Swag (while supplies last).
Support your community, brave the dark, and cozy up to the best soups in the Center of the Universe. Do you have what it takes to be a Super Souper?
The soups
Plan your route
A neighborhood tradition
Soupocalypse was born during the pandemic in January 2021. Fremont residents welcomed the opportunity to escape their homes, support local restaurants, and enjoy delicious soups. The experience was so enjoyable that now we celebrate soup every year.
As we like to say, it's not the end of the world until we run out of soup!